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Axis Chart

Learn how to customize everything related to axis charts (e.g. line chart, bar charts). Williamchart supports only 2 dimensional charts, allowing you to customize XY axis and labels.

Axis Attributes

Kotlin XML Description
axis chart_axis Define which axis to display. Options are: only x, only y, both xy, or none of them.
scale N/A Set limits to the scale used in the chart. By default, charts will have a scale between 0 and the maximum value needed to accomodate the range of values passed.


Customize enter animations using different Android SDK interpolators or creating your own animations.


Use any interpolator provided by the Android SDK or create your own ones by extending Interpolator.

Custom animations

Custom animations should extend ChartAnimation.

Labels Attributes

Kotlin Xml Description
labelsFont chart_labelsFont Font used in labels and scale.
labelsSize chart_labelsSize Font size used in labels and scale.
labelsColor chart_labelsColor Text color used in labels and scale.

Format labels

Write your own formatter which will be applied to labels shown on X or Y axis, depending on the orientation of your chart (vertical or horizontal). This comes in handy when charting specific metrics (e.g. meters).

Kotlin XML Description
labelsFormatter N/A Format labels before being displayed.

The following snippet will concatenate “€” at the end of all labels (e.g. 300€).

lineChartView.labelsFormatter = { it + "€" }

Grid Attributes

Xml Description
chart_grid true if it should display a grid, false otherwise. If not provided, default grid properties are used (e.g. color).
chart_gridColor Color used in grid dividers.
chart_gridStrokeWidth Thickness used in grid dividers.


Create and customize your grid programmatically using AxisGrid.

// Create and customize axis object
val myGrid = AxisGrid()
grid.color = Color.RED
grid.strokeWidth = 110f

// Set grid
lineChartView.grid = myGrid